Sunday, January 6, 2008

Opinions are like assholes.......

The below post was subtracted from

The ORIGINAL POST IS BELOW BOLD AND LARGE (and there is a poll below that for you to take afterwards)

While I can agree that offensive items should be deleted, to think that stating that a councilwoman "prostitutes" herself when she seeks big and takes big money from developers I don't think is offensive, but true.

I do not have any sympathy and will not mince words, and while the community on Jax Out Loud is fairly enlightened, it takes more than words to combat the level of corruption we have in Jacksonville. It seems that administrators can say anything they wish and it is accepted, even if it is not much different than what I post at times....

What is the difference in calling the mayor a criminal and calling a council person a prostitute......


For anyone not in Jacksonville, Florida, JaxOutLoud is a forum... and Mia Jones is a councilwoman who, while being a democrat, takes loads of developer money, and may leave her seat early for a state run, and who works closely with the mayor';s administration, which everyone agrees is corrupt.

I am a more vocal and confrontational sort of person than most even on JaxOutLoud, and the administrator click found this objectional, which surprises me. While they continue to make posts and complain about things among themselves, I think I'll be down there at city council and actually be trying to make the changes I heard spoken of without any action to stop what is wrong....

Call a media whore a whore, and a creep a creep, and pot shots at those who have them coming is something earned and deserved. Right now there is a movement by local government to extend a runway at a local airport, and being passified or inactive accepts and allows their misdeeds to flourish...and the abuse of a neighborhood with residents who deserve better and to have a promise never to extend that runway kept is something citizens must band together to enforce, even if it gets a little messy.

Read on and decide for yourself if this is offensive, or if it is that it still has a right to be heard... the poll is listed below for you to make your opinion on. Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
/ˈprɒstɪˌtut, -ˌtyut/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pros-ti-toot, -tyoot] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -tut·ed, -tut·ing.
1. a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money; whore; harlot.
2. a man who engages in sexual acts for money.
3. a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money. –verb (used with object)
4. to sell or offer (oneself) as a prostitute.
5. to put to any base or unworthy use: to prostitute one's talents.
[Origin: 1520–30; < style="FONT-VARIANT: small-caps" href="" minmax_bound="true">pro-1 + -stitū-, comb. form of var. s. of statuere to cause to stand + -tus ptp. suffix; see
status] —Related forms
pros·ti·tu·tor, noun
—Synonyms 1. call girl, streetwalker, courtesan; trollop, strumpet. Unabridged (v 1.1)Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This
(prŏs'tĭ-tōōt', -tyōōt') Pronunciation Key n.
One who solicits and accepts payment for sex acts.
One who sells one's abilities, talent, or name for an unworthy purpose.

New Private Message at JaxOutLoud Forum
From: "JaxOutLoud Forum"
Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2008 17:57:41 -0600

Dear Skot David Wilson,
You have received a new private message at JaxOutLoud Forum from Diane Melendez, entitled "You have received an infraction at JaxOutLoud Forum".
To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here: This is the message that was sent:
Dear Skot David Wilson,
You have received an infraction at JaxOutLoud Forum.
Reason: Inappropriate Language

The post was offensive, stating the councilwoman prostitutes herself
uncalled for and unacceptable.

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire. Original Post:
*Mia, King, Reggie..... even The Delivery Lady who doesn't deliver....*
*I have a new democratic party sub classification for them...*
*Black+ money+ democratic party affiliation...*

*It seems there are some "established" blacks who are strong in the
democratic party because they have a "name" for themselves, but are more
interested in money than representing people or doing the decent thing.*
*Look at campaign contributions and you don't see much difference
between them and the
*Developer owned republicans....*

*see, equal opportunity did work...
either race or party can be

*I think Mia is so far up Peyton's rear end that when he smiles you can
see her teeth!*

*The rumor is, and she's telling people she wants to run for 14.*
*She has until June to qualify and declare....*
*and resignation is made mandatory.*
*Think the greedy {female dog slang word} will give up that until the
last moment, or if she knows she won't get elected...*
*Felder is the dem so far I think, and Foy the rep...*
*and as a dem I know and like Foy, and think he will be that in name
more than general attitude.*

*Either way, in a few years when she terms out, maybe sooner, I'm going
for that seat, and doing it by petition.*
*And stormwater I don't know if with adjustments I can't live with or
maybe even agree with...*
*But the garbage fee is garbage!*

*Mia is all about herself, and the church change is a funny thing....*
*hey, poor taste joke... Mia is going to church "down on Beaver"..*
*(couldn't resist-but when you've had her as your unrepresentative
representative, a slap now and then is a basic right)*
*Her in church? I could see the pentagram with the dollar sign in it
*When they get over the honeymoon of having a council person attend
there, maybe the smart ones will see her for what she is and run her off
from there as well...*

*Mia is in the pocket of money and developers, period.*
I will be happy for 10 and the city when she's gone....*
*maybe she can work on Beaver, of Phillips or somewhere else where she
can keep getting paid for how she treats her office now...*

---End Quote---
All the best,
JaxOutLoud Forum
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All the best,
JaxOutLoud Forum